Plotting a two peak model as a fitted line on a probplot.
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I am trying to plot a two peak distribution model on a probplot.
and then using this example from MathWorks: Probability plots - MATLAB probplot - MathWorks United Kingdom
However, as my distribution uses a custom mle function is doesn't seem to work as desired. This is the example code I am working with.
%example from fist link above
clear; clc;
rng(10) % For reproducibility
x3 = [trnd(20,1,50) trnd(4,1,100)+3];
pdf_normmixture = @(x3,p,mu1,mu2,sigma1,sigma2) ...
p*normpdf(x3,mu1,sigma1) + (1-p)*normpdf(x3,mu2,sigma2);
pStart = .5;
muStart = quantile(x3,[.25 .75]);
sigmaStart = sqrt(var(x3) - .25*diff(muStart).^2);
start = [pStart muStart sigmaStart sigmaStart];
lb = [0 -Inf -Inf 0 0];
ub = [1 Inf Inf Inf Inf];
options = statset('MaxIter',300,'MaxFunEvals',600);
paramEsts = mle(x3,'pdf',pdf_normmixture,'Start',start, ...
xgrid = linspace(1.1*min(x3),1.1*max(x3),200);
pdfgrid = pdf_normmixture(xgrid, ...
hold on
hold off
ylabel('Probability Density')
legend('Sample Data','Fitted pdf','Location','best')
%end of first example
%example from second link above
h = probplot(gca,pdf_normmixture,paramEsts);
h.Color = 'r';
h.LineStyle = '-';
%end of second example
Is there a way to display something like this on a probplot?
on 7 Oct 2022
Edited: dpb
on 7 Oct 2022
Agreed. This penchant of having multiple disparate objects that are similar but not the same is a pain. It seems the Statistics Toolbox has been particularly bad about introducing stuff before it's fully ripe (the ill-fated datatset comes to mind, too.)
Looks like you'll have to build the probablllity plot for the custom distribution by evaluating it directly without the benefit of the prepared probplot.
I've not looked inside it so see just how much one might be able to cop as a starting point or if it is exceedingly complex making use of the zillion undocumented behind-the-sceenes pieces.
Accepted Answer
on 7 Oct 2022
Edited: dpb
on 7 Oct 2022
Actually, when I had a few minutes to think about it, it's not too hard; you just have to define the associated CDF function to go w with your PDF and use it instead...
%example from fist link above
rng(10) % For reproducibility
x3 = [trnd(20,1,50) trnd(4,1,100)+3];
pdf_normmixture = @(x3,p,mu1,mu2,sigma1,sigma2) ...
p*normpdf(x3,mu1,sigma1) + (1-p)*normpdf(x3,mu2,sigma2);
pStart = .5;
muStart = quantile(x3,[.25 .75]);
sigmaStart = sqrt(var(x3) - .25*diff(muStart).^2);
start = [pStart muStart sigmaStart sigmaStart];
lb = [0 -Inf -Inf 0 0];
ub = [1 Inf Inf Inf Inf];
options = statset('MaxIter',300,'MaxFunEvals',600);
paramEsts = mle(x3,'pdf',pdf_normmixture,'Start',start, ...
xgrid = linspace(1.1*min(x3),1.1*max(x3),200);
pdfgrid = pdf_normmixture(xgrid, ...
% define a cdf function to match...
cdf_normmixture = @(x3,p,mu1,mu2,sigma1,sigma2) ...
p*normcdf(x3,mu1,sigma1) + (1-p)*normcdf(x3,mu2,sigma2);
h = probplot(gca,cdf_normmixture,paramEsts);
h.Color = 'r';
h.LineStyle = '-';
title('Probability plot for Mixed Normal Distribution')
on 7 Oct 2022
Glad to help -- I knew that was what needed to be able to add; just wasn't thinking clearly how simple the CDF function was to write until came to me in a realization was over-complicating things...
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