display string in table
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Elysi Cochin
on 12 Oct 2022
Commented: Davide Masiello
on 12 Oct 2022
row1 = {'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'};
row2 = {'m' 'n' 'o' 'p'};
varnames = {'Col1' 'Col2' 'Col3' 'Col4'};
rownames = {'Row1' 'Row2'};
T = array2table([row1; row2], 'VariableNames', varnames, 'RowNames', rownames);
MyTable = T;
MyTable.Properties.VariableNames = T.Properties.VariableNames;
MyTable.Properties.RowNames = T.Properties.RowNames;
The output of the is
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
_____ _____ _____ _____
Row1 {'a'} {'b'} {'c'} {'d'}
Row2 {'m'} {'n'} {'o'} {'p'}
Is it possible to display the table without the single quotes and curly brackets as
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
_____ _____ _____ _____
Row1 a b c d
Row2 m n o p
Accepted Answer
Davide Masiello
on 12 Oct 2022
row1 = {'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'};
row2 = {'m' 'n' 'o' 'p'};
varnames = {'Col1' 'Col2' 'Col3' 'Col4'};
rownames = {'Row1' 'Row2'};
T = array2table([row1{:}; row2{:}], 'VariableNames', varnames, 'RowNames', rownames);
MyTable = T;
MyTable.Properties.VariableNames = T.Properties.VariableNames;
MyTable.Properties.RowNames = T.Properties.RowNames;
Davide Masiello
on 12 Oct 2022
I don't think that would be possible with chars that are longer than 1. You could do this though
load var.mat
c = [a;b]
varnames = {'Col1','Col2','Col3','Col4','Col5','Col6'};
rownames = {'a';'b'};
T = array2table(string(c),'VariableNames', varnames, 'RowNames', rownames);
MyTable = T;
MyTable.Properties.VariableNames = T.Properties.VariableNames;
MyTable.Properties.RowNames = T.Properties.RowNames;
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