Is there a way to achieve the same result as the xlim, ylim functions using different functions?

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello, i was wondering if there is a way to achieve the same result as xlim, and ylim with a different set of functions? I have been trying to acheive the same result in a different way, but i cant figure out how.
dpb on 21 Oct 2022
I was unaware of that, @Cris LaPierre; will have to remember when subject arises again. Had to follow link to learn what "MOOCS" meant... :)
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 21 Oct 2022
Good point. For others who are not aware, it stands for Massive Open Online Courses. These courses tend to have a free or audit version, meaning they are open to anyone. There is typically a fee required to access graded content.

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 21 Oct 2022
xlim and ylim work by setting the XLim and YLim properties of the current axes.
There are three major ways of setting properties:
  • using set(), which can potentially set multiple properties for multiple objects
  • using dot notation and assignment such as ax.XLim = 'auto'; only one property can be set for one object
  • using convenience functions such as xlim() that are implemented internally using one of the above methods

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