I want to store tables in a for loop to excel
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Christian Wetzel
on 22 Oct 2022
Answered: Christian Wetzel
on 25 Oct 2022
Hello all
I have a force calculation of a car and get tables out for different load cases. How do I manage to store all the tables in the for loop in an excel one below the other.
%The variable quantities that change are: Fuwf_F_V,Fuwr_F_V,Fuw_F_V,Flwf_F_V,Flwr_F_V,Flw_F_V, %Fpr_F_V,Flw_pr_F_V,Ftr_F_V
Fahrwerksstabkraefte_rear = {'Betrag';'Vektor X rear';'Vektor Y rear';'Vektor Z rear'};
Forces_rear=table(Fahrwerksstabkraefte_rear, ...
Fuwf_F_V,Fuwr_F_V,Fuw_F_V,Flwf_F_V,Flwr_F_V,Flw_F_V, Fpr_F_V,Flw_pr_F_V,Ftr_F_V);
disp('Forces Rear --> calculated and safed')

Matlab displays it correctly in the Command Window. It should be saved exactly below each other
Thanks for Help!
Accepted Answer
J. Alex Lee
on 22 Oct 2022
Assuming the columns in the table are always the same, and you generate multiple versions of a table in the loop, and want to save all of them in a single excel sheet, this is how I deal with that situation in my day-to-day: store the tables in a cell array, then vertcat them all later into a single table to write to file:
N = 4
TablesCell = cell(N,1)
for i = 1:N
tmp = array2table(rand(randi(10),5)); % generate some table
TablesCell{i} = tmp; % save to cell array
T = vertcat(TablesCell{:});
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