How to generate a random set of x,y coordinates

22 views (last 30 days)
Sean on 27 Oct 2022
Commented: Torsten on 27 Oct 2022
I am working on a particle tracking project and I need to generate a random set of (x,z) pairs that indacte the particle release location. The coordinates need to be restricted to a box with a xmin,xmax and zmin,zmax. Here is what I have so far.
xmax = 0.4;
xmin = 0.2;
zmin = 0.2;
zmax = 0.32;
xrand = rand(1,400);
xinit = xmin + xrand*(xmax - xmin));
Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters.
zrand = rand(1,400);
zinit = zmin + zrand*(zmax - zmin));
P.xp(:,1) = xinit(p);%these are the variables the coordinates will be stored in
P.zp(:,1) = zinit(p);

Answers (1)

Torsten on 27 Oct 2022
xmax = 0.4;
xmin = 0.2;
zmin = 0.2;
zmax = 0.32;
xrand = rand(1,400);
xinit = xmin + xrand*(xmax - xmin);
zrand = rand(1,400);
zinit = zmin + zrand*(zmax - zmin);
P.xp(:,1) = xinit;%these are the variables the coordinates will be stored in
P.zp(:,1) = zinit;
Torsten on 27 Oct 2022
xinit = xmin + xrand*(xmax - xmin));
zinit = zmin + zrand*(zmax - zmin));
P.xp(:,1) = xinit(p);%these are the variables the coordinates will be stored in
P.zp(:,1) = zinit(p);
xinit = xmin + xrand*(xmax - xmin);
zinit = zmin + zrand*(zmax - zmin);
P.xp(:,1) = xinit;%these are the variables the coordinates will be stored in
P.zp(:,1) = zinit;
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