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Coder RuntimeChecks Error Line Numbers

1 view (last 30 days)
If I turn on RuntimeChecks in my coder config for C or C++ code generation (cfg.RuntimeChecks = true; codegen my_function -args {} -config cfg), when I get an error reported at runtime, are the reported line numbers for the generated C/C++ files or for the associated .m files from which the C/C++ code is derived?
For example, I have a class called 'waveform.m' and got the error at runtime of:
Caught exception: Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch: [1][2] ~= [0][2].
Error in waveform/finepulse (line 662)
After reviewing the lines for waveform.m and waveform.cpp (generated code), I think line 662 refers to my .m file, but would like confirmation. I don't see this discussed anywhere on this page.

Accepted Answer

Mukund Sankaran
Mukund Sankaran on 31 Oct 2022
Hi Michael,
The line numbers are associated with your .m files. If you open the code generation report for your example, and click on a message in the "All Messages" table, it should take you to the associated line in your .m file.
Hope this helps!

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