I want to edit values of a cell in excel based on certain condition. Can any body pls help me..??

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there is certain condition based on which i need to edit the data base. I need to call excel database iteratively row by row and edit certain cell value of it.

Accepted Answer

Christiaan on 23 Mar 2015
Dear Sapna,
Please have a look at the Documentation of the MATLAB function xlsread here. At this link you can find a method how to read the value of a certain cell. You could use an if statement to correct this cell if necessary. The change can stored in the excel file with the MATLAB function xlswrite. If the name of the file which you save is equal to the name you have read from, you can 'correct' your excel sheet with your if statement in MATLAB.
Good luck! Christiaan
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sapna prajapati
sapna prajapati on 20 Apr 2015
its generating some kind of error I am finding code for relational database watermarking so i was searching for database handling codes

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