Sending CAN messages from arxml file

18 views (last 30 days)
as the title suggest I would like to control a device fow which I have the arxml database format.
I can do it via CAN FD Explorer for .dbc database format, but I don't know how to treat .arxml databases.
Can anyone put me in the right direction?
(My final objective is to create an application that loads the arxml database, and lets the user start or stop message sending and manipulate certain message values, basically creating a control interface for such product).
Thank you in advance for the support

Accepted Answer

Brandon Stevens
Brandon Stevens on 11 Nov 2022
Unfortauntely, the ability to use ARXML files directly as a CAN message definition is not currently available in Vehicle Network Toolbox, but is being considered for a future release of MATLAB. I have forwarded your use case to the relevant team here with my colleagues at MathWorks.
As an alternative you can use third party tools to convert the CAN definition in the ARXML to a DBC file. You could also manually specify the CAN message definition using the Vehicle Network Toolbox as a temporary workaround.
Daniele Crimella
Daniele Crimella on 11 Nov 2022
Thank you for the precise feedback, I was able to do the conversion with a third party tool. I will test it with the Vehicle Network Toolbox as soon as I have the availability to do that. Otherwise, as you suggested, I will manage to specify the CAN messages manually.
Chong Wang
Chong Wang on 7 Oct 2023
Hi, any update on this topic?

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