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I need to convert Organized point cloud to Unorganized one

4 views (last 30 days)
Hi, i'm working on analysis of pointclouds and i wrote a code for data as Mx3, now i need to analyse a pointcloud that is MxNx3 so i'm looking for a function that can translate Organized to Unorganized pointcloud. Can anyone help me? Thank you a lot!

Accepted Answer

Vijay on 14 Nov 2022
I am assuming you want to convert unorganized Point Cloud to organized one. For that you can use “pcorganize” function, Please refer the documentation below for more information.
Please note, Organized Point cloud is MxNx3, whereas Unorganized is Mx3. Please refer to the documentation below.
To convert from Organized to Unorganized point cloud you can use the function removeInvalidPoints.
Please refer to the documentation below for more information.
Hope this helps!

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