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MATLAB on Fedora 37

185 views (last 30 days)
johannes neyer
johannes neyer on 20 Nov 2022
Edited: Thomas Kock on 29 Feb 2024
How do I install and use matlab 2022b on fedora?

Accepted Answer

johannes neyer
johannes neyer on 20 Nov 2022
Edited: johannes neyer on 26 Aug 2023
I just lost a few hours getting this to work. More detailed information can be found in this Arch Linux wiki entry.
Replace $MATLAB_DIR with the path you installed Matlab to (e.g.: /home/username/matlab). I had to navigate the installer with the keyboard as text input boxes stopped working as soon as I clicked on something with the mouse.
cd ~/Downloads/matlab_R2022b_glnxa64
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/
Set scaling for high DPI screens:
TMP=$HOME/tmp $MATLAB_DIR/bin/matlab -r "s = settings;s.matlab.desktop.DisplayScaleFactor.PersonalValue=2;quit" -nodesktop -nosplash
Fix opengl errors:
echo "-Djogl.disable.openglarbcontext=1" >> $MATLAB_DIR/bin/glnxa64/java.opts
Add shortcut:
> cat ~/.local/share/applications/matlab.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=env LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/dri/ $MATLAB_DIR/bin/matlab -desktop
Comment=Scientific computing environment
johannes neyer
johannes neyer on 10 May 2023
Edited: johannes neyer on 10 May 2023
Yes, probably. Can't test this anymore.
Thomas Kock
Thomas Kock on 29 Feb 2024
Edited: Thomas Kock on 29 Feb 2024
Still works under Fedora 39 and R2023b. Thanks for sharing!

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More Answers (1)

Joshua Rhodes
Joshua Rhodes on 25 Aug 2023
You could also try using distrobox and podman to create an ubuntu container and running Matlab in that. (Ubuntu is one of the guaranteed supported distros.)


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