How can I make my function plot lines to make a rectangle?

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I can't figure out how to make my function plot lines.
Here is my code.
clear all, format compact, format shortg; close all; fclose all; clc;
% Rectangle 1
rect1.pos= [30,20]; % x and y coordinates of the lower left corner
rect1.width = 500;
rect1.height= 400;
rect1.color = 'b';
axis equal;
% Rectangle 2
rect2.pos= [350,300]; % x and y coordinates of the lower left corner
rect2.width = 220;
rect2.height= 250;
rect2.color = 'r';
% Rectangle 3
rect3.pos= [300,250]; % x and y coordinates of the lower left corner
rect3.width = 150;
rect3.height= 400;
rect3.color = 'c';
hold on;
Here is the function code
function [] = draw_rect_Eduardo_Gallegos_call(rect)
plot(rect.height,rect.width,'o' )

Accepted Answer

Florian Bidaud
Florian Bidaud on 23 Nov 2022
Edited: Florian Bidaud on 23 Nov 2022
Your function just plots one point. You need to plot all the points of your rectangle, and closing it by returning at the first point.
This should work as you want
function [] = draw_rect_Eduardo_Gallegos_call(rect)
plot([rect.pos(1) rect.pos(1) rect.pos(1)+rect.width rect.pos(1)+rect.width rect.pos(1)], ...
[rect.pos(2) rect.pos(2)+rect.height rect.pos(2)+rect.height rect.pos(2) rect.pos(2)], ...

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