how to read data from box(cloud storage)?
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I have a dataset with a large memory that I can't save all of them on my pc. This data are in box cloud and I found a similar question in mathwork but ther was no answers for that question. Now my question is how can I read this data from the box?
Any help will be appreciated.
Answers (2)
Shuba Nandini
on 30 May 2023
It is my understanding that, you want to read the files from “Box Cloud Storage” into MATLAB.
Box has some RESTful APIs of its own, through which you can connect it to MATLAB. You can refer to Box Cloud API Reference for more information.
Hope this helps!
on 29 Sep 2023
I know this is an old question, but there is a fairly straight forward solution now (at least for windows, not sure about other OS).
- Install box drive application:
- On windows you can access box drive at: "C:\Users\{username}\Box\"
Have been able to load files and save files directly from matlab without any issues. Hope this helps
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