Is it possible to run the code in my computer and send the information to Arduino (Simulink)?
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Victor Maciel
on 1 Dec 2022
Answered: Midhulesh Vellanki
on 21 Dec 2022
I have created some type of Predictive Controller and I have a physical prototype which I want to test my code. This prototype use an arduino and collect the information from some sensors and controls an actuator. My code needs more memory than my board have. So, I want to run the controller code (generated by Simulink Coder) in my computer and send only the control signal to my arduino board. Is that possible? If yes, how can I do it?
I want to run the code of controller (in red) on my computer and only send and receive data from arduino (blue).
Accepted Answer
Midhulesh Vellanki
on 21 Dec 2022
Hi Victor,
there are several ways for doing this, depending on what you are trying to test
One the most striaght forward ways is to use Connected IO mode as outlined here:
With this approch you would have access to sesnors on your host computer, and test your alogrithm but your controller would be running on the host computer as well.
If you would like to check performance of your controller on hardware, I would recommend, using an ethernet or CAN sheild on your arduino to send sensor data and configure simulink model with a ethernet read. I can elobrate more if the first approch is not ideal for you.
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