Is my code wrong because why am i getting this output? Use the MATLAB command conv2() to convolve image3 with itself. What is this process referred to as? Show the result.

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Can someone explain why i got this output from this code?Is the code wrong?
img3=imread("image3 (1).png")
C = conv2(img3,img3)

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Dec 2022
The image you posted is an RGB image, not a grayscale image. You cannot use conv2() with it, not unless you select out a single channel.
If you do select out a single channel then the plot() looks different than what you posted.
Your C is a 511 x 511 array. When you plot() it, you are asking for one line to be drawn for each column of C -- 511 lines in total. You should expect it to be difficult to make sense of such a line plot.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Dec 2022
filename = '';
img3 = imread(filename);
ans = 1×3
480 522 3
C = conv2(img3,img3);
Error using conv2
N-D arrays are not supported.
imshow(C, [])
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Dec 2022
The 480 x 522 x 3 size tells us that the image you posted is an RGB image, not a grayscale image. conv2() has never been supported for RGB images.
If you convert the posted image to grayscale and do the conv2() with itself on that, then C comes out as 959 by 1043 not the 511 x 511 that is shown in your output.
We have to conclude that the image you posted is not image3 (1).png . Perhaps what you posted is the output of the imshow() (but that is doubtful, imshow() would not have produced a 480 x 522 output for a 511 x 511 image.)

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