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Modeling a manipulator with elastic joint in Simscape Multibody

3 views (last 30 days)
I need to model in Simscape a single-link manipulator with an elastic joint (like in the figure).
I tried modeling this way but I am not sure it's the smartest way. I used the block 'Ideal Torque Source' to simulate the motor torque.
Any suggestion?

Accepted Answer

Steve Miller
Steve Miller on 17 Dec 2022
Your system needs two degrees of freedom:
  1. Base to motor shaft
  2. Rotational deflection of motor shaft
You need two separate Revolute Joints to model this system.
Attached is a model where I have put the two degrees of freedom within the "Base" block so that it could reuse the parmeterization from the mask. The torque input is applied directly to the revolute joint (no extra Simscape blocks are needed).

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