How to use a command for the terminal which isn't a standard one?

23 views (last 30 days)
I have to use this line of code which is supposed to generate the image of a graph using GraphViz (which is installed correctly as using the same line on the terminal works):
system('dot -Tpng graph.gv -o Graph.png');
/bin/bash: dot: command not found
but i get the error:
zsh:1: command not found: dot
Is there a way to make it work without using the GraphVIz add on?

Accepted Answer

MJFcoNaN on 18 Dec 2022
'system' starts a new shell process which may not inherit your familiar environment.
I suggest you check the PATH in matlab by
and then try to add some needed paths by setenv, such as
setenv("PATH", [getenv("PATH") ":" "where_is_the_dot_command"]);

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