How to insert a cell array elements in another cell array

13 views (last 30 days)
Hi all and happy new year,
I have 3 same size cells, A={}',B={data.results.mindate}', and C={data.results.maxdate}. Please assume that all have the dimension of 1000*1. I also have another cell called Stations which is 1000*3. What I want to do is to insert each elements of A in the first column of Stations, each elements of B in the second column of Stations, and finally each elements of C in the third column of stations. can anyone help me with this regard?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 2 Jan 2023
Make it easy for us to help you, not hard. Attach your A, B, and C cells in a .mat file with the paperclip icon.
save('behrooz.mat', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'Stations');
If you have any more questions, then attach your data and code to read it in with the paperclip icon after you read this:
I'll check back later for it.

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Accepted Answer

Cameron on 2 Jan 2023
Is this what you're looking for?
Stations = [A,B,C];

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