i can't recieve information using (pixhawk4, telemetry)

5 views (last 30 days)
i want recive Quaternion information from pixhawk4mini using Holybro SiK Telemetry Radio
What should I do
I want to interpret Pixhawk data on the host computer

Accepted Answer

Manoj Velmurugan
Manoj Velmurugan on 3 Feb 2023
Telemetry radio would appear as a serial port on the host PC.
For reading MAVLink data using MATLAB,
  1. Read the raw bytes using serialport read()
  2. Create a mavlinkdialect object
  3. Decode the uint8 buffer using deserializemsg()
For reading MAVLink data using Simulink,
  1. Read serial port data using the Serial Receive block. Set the COM port, data length, and sample time.
  2. Parse the raw serial data into Simulink bus using MAVLink Deserializer block.

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