Is it possible to display text in the console using latex expressions ?

69 views (last 30 days)
I would like to display in the console grec letters using the latex syntaxe. Is there a way do this ?
For exemple I can do this with the title() function :
displays literally \theta_{\lambda/4}.
I saw that disp('λ') works but you need to ctrl c - ctrl v the λ from somewhere to do so. Since latex interpretation works in title() I guess there must be a way to write latex in a prompt.
Thank you
Matt on 6 Feb 2023
Yes : in this case the debugging is about checking if formulas have been correclty implemented in the code and not finding mistakes that generates matlab errors. To do so I manually run the program with different options and check if the resultats are realistic.
For this using disp (as well as plots/imagesc etc) to monitor if variables that have a physical meaning behave as they should well is convenient.
I accepted Jan answer on why it not possible/good practice and did a small function that transforms a '\{greek letter}' is the corresponding letter using the answer you pointed.
Thanks Lorenzo.
Matt on 6 Feb 2023
Yes : in this case the debugging is about checking if formulas have been correclty implemented in the code and not finding mistakes that generates matlab errors. To do so I manually run the program with different options and check if the resultats are realistic.
For this using disp (as well as plots/imagesc etc) to monitor if variables that have a physical meaning behave as they should well is convenient.
I accepted Jan answer on why it not possible/good practice and did a small function that transforms a '\{greek letter}' is the corresponding letter using the answer you pointed.
Thanks Lorenzo.

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Accepted Answer

Jan on 1 Feb 2023
Edited: Jan on 1 Feb 2023
LaTeX is not an option in the command window.
Using Unicode characters works for some fonts, but fails with other font. The result of a debugging should not depend on the font used in the command window, so I would avoid such fancy tricks.
  1 Comment
Matt on 6 Feb 2023
Indeed I tried this and exotic fonts transforms greek letters in weird shapes. But the usual ones ( liberation XX, Times new roman etc) are fine.

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