Sources implementing vehicle to world

1 view (last 30 days)
상원 이
상원 이 on 24 Feb 2023
Answered: Sanjana on 3 Mar 2023
I want to implement v2x simulation in automated driving and I found some examples.
However I found it hard getting understand about what parameters in these examples are going to use because I am novice.
Is there any educational program I can learn about "vehicle to world" block?

Answers (1)

Sanjana on 3 Mar 2023
I understand that you're seeking learning resources related to the vehicle to world block. While there may not be specific content available on this topic at the moment, I can point you towards helpful documentation that explains how the block works and provides information on its input and output ports.
Furthermore, to gain a better understanding of the Automated Driving Toolbox, I recommend checking out the following videos:
I hope you find these resources useful!

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