Changing file path and load multiple excel files
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on 26 Feb 2023
Commented: Image Analyst
on 1 Mar 2023
I have some specific folders where i have saved several excel files with the filename in the following format:
code_parameterA_year.xls, code_parameterB_year.xls, etc
where code and year changes and I need to load each excel file. I need help loading each excel file using the following code:
path = pwd
S = readtable(fullfile(path, code '_parameterA_' year'.xls'));
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 26 Feb 2023
Use a file data store fileDatastore
% Specify the top level folder.
topLevelFolder = pwd; % Wherever it is....
% Process a sequence of files.
filePattern = fullfile(topLevelFolder, '*.xls*');
fds = fileDatastore(filePattern, 'ReadFcn',@readtable) % Create an image Datastore
% Get all filenames into one cell array. Filenames have the complete path (folder prepended).
allFileNames = fds.Files;
numFiles = numel(fds.Files);
for k = 1 : numel(allFileNames)
% Get this file name.
fullFileName = allFileNames{k};
fprintf('Processing %s\n', fullFileName);
% Now do something with fullFileName, such as passing it to readtable().
Image Analyst
on 1 Mar 2023
Yes, you just load the workbook file into the "data" variable and then you never do anything with data. Plus on every iteration data is overwritten by the current workbook so at the very end you'll only have data from the very last workbook. If you want to do something with data, then do so. If you also want to save it for use later, outside the loop, then you'll need to save it somehow, like in a cell array.
data{k} = readtable(fullFileName);
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