why isn't image changing when it is supposed to?
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THis one has me stumped for two days straight. It seems like it should be the easiest thing in the world, but there's something I'm just not getting.
I want the image to change to the next image every time bb = 3, or fstep/2, and stay on that image otherwise. There will be other images coming in at different places, so I can't just adjust the starting point, it has to change at bb=fstep/2 exactly. Nothing I code will do this, it keeps changing only at bb=1 instead. I'm mystified, can anybody see what's wrong and can suggest a change with as little modification to the original code as possible?
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fpath1 = '/Users/owner/Documents/MATLAB1/';
pI1 = 1 + [0, 1, 2];
pIsiz = size(pI1,2);
IB = {'T5 01.jpg'; 'T5 02.jpg'; 'T5 03.jpg'};
fI1B = {IB{pI1(1:pIsiz)}};
fstep = 3; % FRAME STEPS BETWEEN EACH IMAGE ----------------
bbm = [(fstep/2)+1:fstep 1:fstep/2];
fstep = fstep * 2;
cc = 1;
for aa = 1:3
astr = num2str2023(aa); % FILE NAME INCREMENT VALUE
I2 = imread(fI1B{aa});
for bb = 1:fstep
[aa bb cc]
if mod(cc,fstep) == fstep/2
I2 = imread(fI1B{aa});
astr = num2str2023(aa); % FILE NAME INCREMENT VALUE
bstr = num2str2023(bb);
imf12 = [fpath1,'MTEST ' astr,' ', bstr, ' 2023.tif'];
imwrite(I2, imf12, 'tif', 'Resolution', 720);
cc = cc + 1;
Answers (2)
Walter Roberson
on 27 Feb 2023
cc starts at 1.
fstep is 3.
mod() of an integer by 3 is going to be an integer.
You compare that integer to fstep/2 which is 3/2 which is a non-integer.
Therefore the mod() can only come true if at some point you increment c by a non-integer. But you never do, you only increment it by 1.
See Also
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