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freezing issue while generate a code using slbuild

17 views (last 30 days)
Dear Technical Support Team,
Sub: freezing the laptop while using "slbuild"
When we are update( Ctrl+D) the simulink model no error, no warning message, the model is updating.
When we are generate a code using "slbuild", I am facing system freezing issue.
I have analyzed the simulink model in Matlab R2020b and Matlab R2022b software. Unable to see any error message.
Unable to move the curser, forcefully shutdown the machine.
Can you please help me out, how to resolve the issue.
Thanks & Regards,

Answers (1)

Atharva on 13 Sep 2023
Hey Saravan,
I understand that MATLAB freezes on generating code using "slbuild".
This freezing issue is a known limitation of Code Generation process for optimizing and emitting code phase.
To resolve this issue, please follow the following steps as a workaround:
  1. Open model settings (Ctrl+E).
  2. Go to Code Generation.
  3. Go to Optimization and disable the "Enable local block output" and "Reuse local block outputs."
I hope this helps!


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