import data from excel to lookup table

4 views (last 30 days)
Mahmood on 16 Mar 2023
Answered: Bhanu Prakash on 17 Mar 2023
when I tray import data from excel sheet to lookup table this messege appears
" Invalid setting in 'datalookup1/1-D Lookup my table ' for parameter 'Table'.
Caused by: Variable 'irrad1' does not exist. "
irrad1 is the name of sheet

Answers (1)

Bhanu Prakash
Bhanu Prakash on 17 Mar 2023
Hi Mahmood,
As per my understanding, you are trying to import data from excel sheet to a look-up table and are facing some errors in it.
These errors usually occur when the file being used ("irrad1", in your case) is not present in the "MATLAB path or the file name being used is incorrect.
One workaround is to use the function "readtable". The syntax is as follows:
T = readtable(filename)
where, filename is "irrad1" (in your case) and "T" is the required look-up table.
You can refer to the documentation of "readtable" here:
Hope this answer helps you.
Bhanu Prakash.

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