How did the parameter "StructureSensitivity" of fibermetric affect the result?

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I know the document had wrote "The structure sensitivity is a threshold for differentiating the tubular structure from the background". However I don't know the definition of the "background" means. So when I adjust the parameter, the result changes not as I expected. Is it meas the original pixel value or ...?
And I also want to make sure that "tubular structure" is the value that fibermetric calculate right?
If someone can answer my question, thanks a lot !

Answers (1)

Manish on 22 Oct 2024
Hi RD,
I understand that you want to know:
  • The essence of the 'StructureSensitivity' parameter in the 'fibermetric' function.
  • The meaning of the term 'background' and ‘tubular structure’ as described in the 'fibermetric' documentation.
As mentioned in the documentation of ‘fibermetric’:
  • Tubular structures in an image resemble tubes or elongated shapes, fibers in material science images.
  • The "background" typically refers to the parts of the image that are not of primary interest.
  • In the context of ‘fibermetric’, background is considered to be the areas in the image that do not exhibit the tubular or line-like structures that the function is designed to enhance or detect.
  • Adjusting the "StructureSensitivity" , significantly alters the pixel-level data in the image.
Here is the sample code snippet that demonstrates how varying the 'StructureSensitivity' parameter affects pixel differences:
function plotSensitivityVsDifference()
I = imread('threads.png');
I_gray = im2double(I);
sensitivityValues = 1:5;
totalDifferences = zeros(size(sensitivityValues));
for i = 1:length(sensitivityValues)
J = fibermetric(I_gray, 'StructureSensitivity', sensitivityValues(i));
diffImage = abs(I_gray - J);
totalDifferences(i) = sum(diffImage(:));
% Plot
plot(sensitivityValues, totalDifferences, '-o', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 8);
ylabel('Total Pixel Difference');
title('Effect of StructureSensitivity on Pixel Difference');
grid on;
For better understanding of ‘fibermetric’ function, refer the documentation below:
Hope this helps!




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