How to make a phase diagram plot?

156 views (last 30 days)
Wing Nam
Wing Nam on 1 Apr 2023
Answered: Sam Chak on 16 Dec 2023
Hi all. I have an ODE and I have already found the general solution of.
How can I plot a phase diagram with some initial value like y(1)=1?
  1 Comment
Sai on 4 Apr 2023
I am not sure if the solution is correct because when x is equal to 1, y is not equal 1.

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Answers (2)

Sai on 4 Apr 2023
Hi Wing,
I understand that you want to make a phase diagram plot for the above differential equation.
Please refer to the below code snippet.
function dydx = diff_eq(x,y)
dydx = [y(2); (exp(-x)-2*(x-1)*y(2)-(x-2)*y(1))/x];
Place two code snippets in different .m files. But the above code snippet in diff_eq.m file
[x,y] = ode45(@diff_eq,[1 5],[1; 1]);
please refer to the below documentation ink for more information on using ‘ode45’
I hope this helps you to resolve the query

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 16 Dec 2023
If the analytical solution exists, then you can solve the ODE symbolically using the dsolve() command. From the results, you can plot out the phase portrait diagram using the fplot() command.
%% Setup the ODE in symbolic form
syms y(x) z(x)
Dy = diff(y,x); % dy/dx
ODEqn = diff(y,x,2) == (exp(-x) - 2*(x - 1)*Dy - (x - 2)*y)/x
ODEqn(x) = 
%% General solution
yGenSol(x) = dsolve(ODEqn)
yGenSol(x) = 
%% Particular solution
init = [y(1)==1, Dy(1)==0]; % initial values
yParSol(x) = dsolve(ODEqn, init)
yParSol(x) = 
DyParSol = simplify(diff(yParSol), 'steps', 100)
DyParSol(x) = 
%% Plot time responses of states
T1 = tiledlayout(2, 1);
fplot( yParSol, [1 20]), grid on, ylabel('y(x)')
fplot(DyParSol, [1 20]), grid on, ylabel('dy/dx')
title( T1, '2nd-order System')
xlabel(T1, 'Time')
ylabel(T1, 'Staes')
%% Plot phase portrait diagram
fplot(yParSol, DyParSol, [1 20]), grid on
title('Phase Portrait')
xlabel('y(x)'), ylabel('dy/dx')


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