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9 views (last 30 days)
奥 曹
奥 曹 on 10 Apr 2023
Answered: Vedant on 8 Sep 2023
当我将solidworks建的三维模型通过simscape multibody link导入simscape后,无法精准识别模型的几何形状,比如一个圆柱体本应该自由落体砸到另一个物体上,但他还没接触到物体时,就被弹走了,这个是什么原因啊

Answers (1)

Vedant on 8 Sep 2023
I understand that when you import a 3D model created in SolidWorks into Simscape using the Simscape Multibody Link, the geometric shape of the model is not accurately recognized. This issue can be checked as follows:
  1. Inaccurate geometry: The 3D model imported from SolidWorks may have inaccuracies or imperfections in its geometry. Ensure that the geometry of the model is correctly defined and that there are no overlapping or intersecting surfaces.
  2. Insufficient collision detection settings: Check the collision detection settings in Simscape and make sure they are appropriately configured for the objects involved. Adjust parameters such as collision tolerances and contact resolution to improve the accuracy of the collision detection.
  3. Incorrect material properties: Check the material properties assigned to the objects and ensure they are set correctly. Consider factors such as friction, restitution, and density to accurately model the physical behaviour of the objects.
  4. Simulation time step: The simulation time step in Simscape may be too large, causing the simulation to miss or inaccurately capture the collision event. Try reducing the simulation time step to improve the accuracy of the simulation and collision detection.
  5. Model scaling: If the 3D model imported from SolidWorks is significantly larger or smaller in scale compared to the Simscape environment, it can affect the accuracy of the simulation. Ensure that the scaling of the model is consistent with the rest of the simulation environment.
Vedant Panchal




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