Issues with creating a frequency weighting filter for a iso-standard

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Hello! I want to mention in the beginning that i am new to signal processing with MATLAB.
I am currently working on weighting a vibration simulation and some acceleration data. The standard I am using for the weighting gives the filter functions using the Laplace variable. The three functions that are used are a high pass & low pass filter, and lastly an a-v transition filter (pic included)
For this the band limiting i use butterworth filters, which i think should be equal to the first function. For the transfer function i use the bilinear tool to get filter coefficients using the info from the standard, and then i filter the signal using all three filters.
It is worth mentioning that the simulation i use gives a displacement value (time series) where i use FFT and thereafter differentiate twice in fourier domain to get a acceleration value. After that i weigh the signal with the weighting filter below. Am i doing this in the correct order? Lastly i convert to dB and plot and this is the result:
I am pretty sure that the filter fails at weighing correctly according to the standard. For example, the weighting factor that is multiplied with the acceleration at f = 100 Hz should be 0.160, and in the plot they are almost the same.
Here is the code:
function filtered_signal=Wh_weighting(acceleration_signal,Fs)
%Purpose: to weight an acceleration signal with Wh weighting, for hand arm
%Input: The time series acceleration signal and the sampling frequency of
%the signal
%Output: The filtered signal using Wh filtering according to ISO 8041 and
%Iso 5349
%Constants from SS_EN_ISO_8041_1_2017 page 12 table 3 Wh
%The nyquist limit
%A second order highpass filter for band limiting of the signal, b1 and a1
%are coefficients of the highpass filter transfer function in z domain.
%A second order lowpass filter for band limiting of the signal. b2 and a2
%are coefficients of the lowpass filter transfer function in z domain.
[b2,a2]=butter(2,f2/nyqusit_limit,'low');%low pass filter
%Frequency weighting filter
%This filter uses the coeffcients described in ISO 5349-1 (commented is ISO 8041) equation (3) in S
%domain and transforms its coeeficients to z-domain using the bilinear
%transform. So A3 and B3 are s-domain coeffcients and a3 and b3 are
%z-domain coefficients.
%B3=[1/w3 1];
B3 = [2*pi*f4^2 f3*(2*pi*f4)^2];
%A3=[1/w4/w4 1/Q4/w4 1];
A3 = [f3 2*pi*f4*f3/Q4 f3*(2*pi*f4)^2];
[b3,a3]=bilinear(B3,A3,Fs);%a-v transition filter
%Here the signal is filtered several times by different filter to give an
%overall filtering.
%the input signal is first filtered with the low pass filter
% the output of line 44 is then filtered again with the highpass filter
%lastly the signal is filtered with the frequency weighting filter
% rms(filtered_signal) gives the declaration value a_hw for a mono axial
% vibration
Am i implementing this totaly wrong maybe?
Thank you in advance for any help received :)
Star Strider
Star Strider on 17 Apr 2023
Your explanation helps. I still have a problem with the filtered signal plots, since in the filter passband the signal should be the same as the unfiltered signal. Only in the stopbands should it be different, and significantly attenuated. That does not appear to be the situation, if I understand the plots correctly.
The Bode plots produced by the freqz function show the magnitude and phase response of the filter at the plotted frequencies. They should be the same as the filter design parameters, essentially being a ‘quality control¹ for the filter design.
Elias Jakobsson
Elias Jakobsson on 17 Apr 2023
Edited: Elias Jakobsson on 17 Apr 2023
This might be a rather dumb question, but how do i know what the appropriate sample rate should be? I have tried different rates, while still having it consistent in the process (resampling etc.), and the filtered fft becomes significantly different while the unfiltered fft stays the same. (The Fs of my measurement is Fs=65536 so it should be the same)
F.e i tried Fs = 10000 and Fs = 100000, and the lower value gives alot more discontinuities in the filtered fft.
Not really sure how to proceed from this sadly..

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Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 17 Apr 2023
I just saw your latest Comment now.
The sampling frequency can be anything that you determine to be appropriate for the system you are integrating. The highest frequency in the signal (and I do not know what that is) should be less than the Nyquist frequency, creating the sampling frequency to be at least 2.5 times the highest frequency in the signal, and higher if possible.
Since you are creating your data with an ode45 (or similar functions) integration of your system, the easiest way to create consistent sampling intervals (the inverse of the sampling frequency) is to define ‘tspan’ as a vector of more than two elements. For example to create a time vector from 0 to 1000 seconds (or whatever time span you are using) with a sampling frequency of 5000, something like this will work:
Fs = 5000; % Sampling Frequency (Hz)
Tlen = 1000; % Signal Length (sec)
tspan = linspace(0, Tlen*Fs, Tlen*Fs+1)/Fs; % ‘tspan’ Vector
The integration will still be adaptive, however the results will be interpolated and will only be reported at the times corresponding to the multiple-element ‘tspan’ vector. There will likely be no need to do any resampling.
Now that you have the signal and a specific sampling frequency for it, all the filters can be created with that sampling frequency. They should then produce the result you want. The passbands and stopbands can be defined with respect to the Nyquist frequency (and they all must be less than the Nyquist frequency) so for example using this sampling frequency (5000):
Fn = Fs/2; % Nyquist Frequency
BandpassFreqs = [100 250]/Fn; % Normalised Frequencies
I am posting this as an answer because it might actually be the solution to this problem.
Elias Jakobsson
Elias Jakobsson on 18 Apr 2023
Impressive! Although, I am having trouble impletmenting this in matlab since it produces warnings every different attempt i try.
It does not matter in what way I use these vectors but i always get these warnings:
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 3.700753e-17.
Though i am not certain i am using this toolbox the right way:
Fs=65536; %Sample rate
Fn = Fs/2;
f1=6.310/Fn; % Normalise The Frequency By The Nyquist Frequency
f2=1258.9/Fn; % Normalise The Frequency By The Nyquist Frequency
f3=15.915/Fn; % Normalise The Frequencies By The Nyquist Frequency
K = 1;
Ts = 1/Fs;
s = tf('s');
Hb = (s^2*pi^2*f2^2) / ((s^2 + 2*pi*f1*s/Q1 + 4*pi^2*f1^2)*(s^2 + 2*pi*f2*s/Q1 + 4*pi^2*f2^2));
Hbz = c2d(Hb, Ts, 'tustin');
Hbzn = Hbz.Numerator;
Hbznv = cell2mat(Hbzn);
Hbzd = Hbz.Denominator;
Hbzdv = cell2mat(Hbzd);
Hw = ((s + 2*pi*f3)*2*pi*K*f4^2) / ((s^2 + 2*pi*f4*s/Q2 + 4*pi^2*f4^2)*f3);
Hwz = c2d(Hw, Ts, 'tustin');
Hwzn = Hwz.Numerator;
Hwznv = cell2mat(Hwzn);
Hwzd = Hwz.Denominator;
Hwzdv = cell2mat(Hwzd);
% I made them into vectors directly with cell2mat
B1 = Hbznv;
A1 = Hbzdv;
B3 = Hwznv;
A3 = Hwzdv;
I hope this is what you meant. I also tried putting these vectors in the bilinear function but got the same errors, i figured they were not needed if the tustin is the same as bilinear. But either way i get the errors regarding the badly scaled matrices. Its weird since it should basically be the same as before right?
Star Strider
Star Strider on 18 Apr 2023
The sampling frequency may be too high to produce reliable filters. Is that high a sampling frequency absolutely required, or is it possible to use perhaps a tenth of that?
Although the Control System Toolbox bodeplot plots were encouraging, I am not happy with the way the filters are transferring to the discrete domain, so i tried with the Symbolic Math Toolbox as well to see if I could improve on the result.
I am unfortunately not encouraged —
Fs=65536; %Sample rate
Fn = Fs/2;
f1=6.310/Fn; % Normalise The Frequency By The Nyquist Frequency
f2=1258.9/Fn; % Normalise The Frequency By The Nyquist Frequency
f3=15.915/Fn; % Normalise The Frequencies By The Nyquist Frequency
K = 1;
Ts = 1/Fs;
acceleration_signal = randn(Fs*5,1);
% s = tf('s');
syms s
Hb = (s^2*pi^2*f2^2) / ((s^2 + 2*pi*f1*s/Q1 + 4*pi^2*f1^2)*(s^2 + 2*pi*f2*s/Q1 + 4*pi^2*f2^2));
Hb = simplify(Hb, 500)
Hb = 
[Hbn,Hbd] = numden(Hb)
Hbn = 
Hbd = 
Hbn = double(sym2poly(Hbn))
Hbn = 1×3
1.0e+36 * 9.9141 0 0
Hbd = double(sym2poly(Hbd))
Hbd = 1×5
1.0e+38 * 6.8056 2.3349 0.4005 0.0007 0.0000
[B1,A1] = bilinear(Hbn,Hbd,Fs)
B1 = 1×5
1.0e-11 * 0.0848 0.0001 -0.1700 0.0004 0.0847
A1 = 1×5
1.0000 -4.0000 6.0000 -4.0000 1.0000
freqz(B1,A1, 2^16, Fs)
set(subplot(2,1,1), 'XLim',[0 2])
set(subplot(2,1,2), 'XLim',[0 2])
Hw = ((s + 2*pi*f3)*2*pi*K*f4^2) / ((s^2 + 2*pi*f4*s/Q2 + 4*pi^2*f4^2)*f3);
Hw = simplify(Hw, 500)
Hw = 
[Hwn,Hwd] = numden(Hw)
Hwn = 
Hwd = 
Hwn = double(sym2poly(Hwn))
Hwn = 1×2
1.0e+33 * 6.4557 0.0197
Hwd = double(sym2poly(Hwd))
Hwd = 1×3
1.0e+36 * 2.1155 0.0091 0.0000
[B3,A3] = bilinear(Hwn,Hwd,Fs)
B3 = 1×3
1.0e-07 * 0.2328 0.0000 -0.2328
A3 = 1×3
1.0000 -2.0000 1.0000
freqz(B3,A3, 2^16, Fs)
set(subplot(2,1,1), 'XLim',[0 2])
set(subplot(2,1,2), 'XLim',[0 2])
return % Stop Here
Hbz = c2d(Hb, Ts, 'tustin');
Hbzn = Hbz.Numerator;
Hbznv = cell2mat(Hbzn);
Hbzd = Hbz.Denominator;
Hbzdv = cell2mat(Hbzd);
Hw = ((s + 2*pi*f3)*2*pi*K*f4^2) / ((s^2 + 2*pi*f4*s/Q2 + 4*pi^2*f4^2)*f3);
Hwz = c2d(Hw, Ts, 'tustin');
Hwzn = Hwz.Numerator;
Hwznv = cell2mat(Hwzn);
Hwzd = Hwz.Denominator;
Hwzdv = cell2mat(Hwzd);
% I made them into vectors directly with cell2mat
B1 = Hbznv;
A1 = Hbzdv;
B3 = Hwznv;
A3 = Hwzdv;
[sos1,g1] = tf2sos(B1,A1)
[sos3,g3] = tf2sos(B3,A3)
freqz(B1,A1, 2^16, Fs)
set(subplot(2,1,1), 'XLim',[0 2])
set(subplot(2,1,2), 'XLim',[0 2])
freqz(sos1, 2^16, Fs)
set(subplot(2,1,1), 'XLim',[0 2])
set(subplot(2,1,2), 'XLim',[0 2])
freqz(B3,A3, 2^16, Fs)
freqz(sos3, 2^16, Fs)
I need to be away for a while. I will return to this later.

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