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Сan not identify block

1 view (last 30 days)
Anton on 24 Apr 2023
Answered: Sam Chak on 24 Apr 2023
I can't identify the block, please help:
What is the block and how to fill it?

Accepted Answer

Sam Chak
Sam Chak on 24 Apr 2023
Hello @Anton
It is possible to create the block using "block mask" techniques. However, I think the authors probably (and simply) used the Fcn block. However, the block has become obsolete since R2020b, if I remember correct.
Nevertheless, the expression can be easily constructed using basic blocks like the Trigonometric Function block and the Gain block.
By the way, why is the Gravity (physics) described like a sine wave? Sometimes, do not 100% trust the works or results in some Journal papers. Trust your guts instead.

More Answers (1)

Paul on 24 Apr 2023
Right click on the block and then click on Help, which will take you the doc page for the block.
  1 Comment
Anton on 24 Apr 2023
I only have a picture of the block and I need to build a diagram based on it

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