How to tell if an object is an Uncertain state-space (USS) model?

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I have a function that is overloaded, and takes both standard state space, and uncertain (uss) state space as inputs.
Since c2d() doesn't work for uss, i need to do a different process depending on which type I pass in.
How can I tell programatically if an object is an Uncertain state-space (USS) model, vs a normal state space model?
I tried isempty(), isfield(), etc, but none of these commands are accepted on both uss and normal state space objects.

Accepted Answer

Paul on 25 Apr 2023
Looks like isuncertain can be used to query if the input is uncertain.
Also, there is a function isStateSpace that can handle the other part, though it might be undocumented.
p = ureal('p',1);
usys = tf(p,[1 p]);
Uncertain continuous-time state-space model with 1 outputs, 1 inputs, 1 states. The model uncertainty consists of the following blocks: p: Uncertain real, nominal = 1, variability = [-1,1], 1 occurrences Type "usys.NominalValue" to see the nominal value and "usys.Uncertainty" to interact with the uncertain elements.
ans = logical
ans = logical
  1 Comment
John on 25 Apr 2023
Ah, great. Thanks @Paul, that solves it. I searched the documentation but didn't find this. Still not sure how else to find this type of thing in the future :)

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