How do I update the plots of a subplot whitout redefining some constant plots?

4 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone, I've created a code to use a manipulator robot. In the main script I recall the function "Simulazione" which plots two main results: in the first subplot shows the movements of the robot whitout any functional, while the second one shows the same movements but with a functional. I'd like to plot constant plots only one time but I don't know how to do so. To make the code added below easier to understand, I've divided the 2 groups of constant plots and then there is the whole function.
plot3(p_i(1), p_i(2), p_i(3), 'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_i(1) + 0.05, p_i(2), p_i(3)+0.05, '$p_i$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
plot3(p_int(1), p_int(2), p_int(3),'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_int(1), p_int(2), p_int(3)+0.05, '$p_{int}$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
plot3(p_f(1), p_f(2), p_f(3),'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_f(1) + 0.05, p_f(2), p_f(3)+0.05, '$p_f$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
grid on
axis equal
xlim([-lmax lmax])
ylim([-lmax lmax])
zlim([-lmax lmax]);
xlabel('x [m]','Interpreter','latex')
ylabel('y [m]','Interpreter','latex')
zlabel('z [m]','Interpreter','latex')
title("SENZA FUNZIONALE",'Interpreter','latex')
plot3(p_i(1), p_i(2), p_i(3), 'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_i(1) + 0.05, p_i(2), p_i(3)+0.05, '$p_i$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
plot3(p_int(1), p_int(2), p_int(3),'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_int(1), p_int(2), p_int(3)+0.05, '$p_{int}$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
plot3(p_f(1), p_f(2), p_f(3),'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_f(1) + 0.05, p_f(2), p_f(3)+0.05, '$p_f$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
axis equal
xlim([-lmax lmax])
ylim([-lmax lmax])
zlim([-lmax lmax])
xlabel('x [m]','Interpreter','latex')
ylabel('y [m]','Interpreter','latex')
ylabel('z [m]','Interpreter','latex')
grid on
title("CON FUNZIONALE",'Interpreter','latex')
function Simulazione(XY1, XY2, XY3, XYe, XYd, XY1_man, XY2_man, XY3_man, XYe_man, t, p_i, p_int, p_f, W, W_fun, lmax)
close all
for i = 1:10:length(t)
sgt = sgtitle('4 DoF Manipulator','Color','black');
sgt.FontSize = 20;
sgt.FontWeight = 'bold';
sgt.Interpreter = 'latex';
subplot(1, 2, 1)
plot3(0, 0, 0, '.k', 'MarkerSize', 20)
hold on
plot3([0 XY1(i,1)], [0 XY1(i,2)], [0, XY1(i,3)], '-r', 'Linewidth', 4)
plot3(XY1(i,1), XY1(i,2), XY1(i,3), '.k', 'MarkerSize', 20)
plot3([XY1(i,1) XY2(i,1)], [XY1(i,2) XY2(i,2)], [XY1(i,3) XY2(i,3)], '-b', 'Linewidth', 4)
plot3(XY2(i,1), XY2(i,2), XY2(i,3), '.k', 'MarkerSize', 20)
plot3([XY2(i,1) XY3(i,1)], [XY2(i,2) XY3(i,2)+0.095], [XY2(i,3) XY3(i,3)],'-g', 'Linewidth', 4)
plot3(XY3(i,1), XY3(i,2)+0.095, XY3(i,3), '.k', 'MarkerSize', 20)
plot3([XY3(i,1) XYe(i,1)], [XY3(i,2)+0.095 XYe(i,2)], [XY3(i,3) XYe(i,3)], '-m', 'Linewidth', 4)
plot3(XYd(1:i, 1), XYd(1:i, 2), XYd(1:i, 3), '--r', 'LineWidth', 3)
plot3(XYe(1:i, 1), XYe(1:i, 2), XYe(1:i, 3), '-b', 'LineWidth', 1.5)
plot3(p_i(1), p_i(2), p_i(3), 'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_i(1) + 0.05, p_i(2), p_i(3)+0.05, '$p_i$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
plot3(p_int(1), p_int(2), p_int(3),'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_int(1), p_int(2), p_int(3)+0.05, '$p_{int}$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
plot3(p_f(1), p_f(2), p_f(3),'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_f(1) + 0.05, p_f(2), p_f(3)+0.05, '$p_f$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
grid on
axis equal
xlim([-lmax lmax])
ylim([-lmax lmax])
zlim([-lmax lmax]);
xlabel('x [m]','Interpreter','latex')
ylabel('y [m]','Interpreter','latex')
zlabel('z [m]','Interpreter','latex')
title("SENZA FUNZIONALE",'Interpreter','latex')
hold off
subplot(1, 2, 2)
plot3(0, 0, 0,'.k','MarkerSize',20)
hold on
plot3([0 XY1_man(i,1)], [0 XY1_man(i,2)], [0 XY1_man(i,3)],'-r','Linewidth',4)
plot3(XY1_man(i,1), XY1_man(i,2), XY1_man(i,3),'.k','MarkerSize',20)
plot3([XY1_man(i,1) XY2_man(i,1)], [XY1_man(i,2) XY2_man(i,2)], [XY1_man(i,3) XY2_man(i,3)],'-b','Linewidth',4)
plot3(XY2_man(i,1), XY2_man(i,2), XY2_man(i,3),'.k','MarkerSize',20)
plot3([XY2_man(i,1) XY3_man(i,1)], [XY2_man(i,2) XY3_man(i,2)+0.095], [XY2_man(i,3) XY3_man(i,3)],'-g','Linewidth',4)
plot3(XY3(i,1), XY3(i,2)+0.095, XY3(i,3),'.k', 'MarkerSize', 20)
plot3([XY3(i,1) XYe(i,1)], [XY3(i,2)+0.095 XYe(i,2)], [XY3(i,3) XYe(i,3)],'-m', 'Linewidth', 4)
plot3(XYd(1:i,1), XYd(1:i,2), XYd(1:i,3),'--r','LineWidth',3)
plot3(XYe_man(1:i,1), XYe_man(1:i,2), XYe_man(1:i,3),'-b','LineWidth',1.5)
plot3(p_i(1), p_i(2), p_i(3), 'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_i(1) + 0.05, p_i(2), p_i(3)+0.05, '$p_i$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
plot3(p_int(1), p_int(2), p_int(3),'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_int(1), p_int(2), p_int(3)+0.05, '$p_{int}$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
plot3(p_f(1), p_f(2), p_f(3),'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_f(1) + 0.05, p_f(2), p_f(3)+0.05, '$p_f$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
axis equal
xlim([-lmax lmax])
ylim([-lmax lmax])
zlim([-lmax lmax])
xlabel('x [m]','Interpreter','latex')
ylabel('y [m]','Interpreter','latex')
ylabel('z [m]','Interpreter','latex')
grid on
title("CON FUNZIONALE",'Interpreter','latex')
hold off

Answers (1)

Divyanshu on 19 May 2023
Hi David,
As per the description provided, I have following understanding of the problem:
  • Function “Simulazione” is called from a main script and this function has the code to plot two subplots.
  • There are two constant plots which you want to plot only once and as the code is present inside a for loop, you are facing the challenge to plot it once.
So, according to above understanding one possible workaround is to place the constant plots code inside ‘if’ block as shown in the below code snippet:
if(j == 1)
plot3(p_i(1), p_i(2), p_i(3), 'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_i(1) + 0.05, p_i(2), p_i(3)+0.05, '$p_i$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
plot3(p_int(1), p_int(2), p_int(3),'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_int(1), p_int(2), p_int(3)+0.05, '$p_{int}$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
plot3(p_f(1), p_f(2), p_f(3),'k*', 'MarkerSize', 16)
text(p_f(1) + 0.05, p_f(2), p_f(3)+0.05, '$p_f$', 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
grid on
axis equal
xlim([-lmax lmax])
ylim([-lmax lmax])
zlim([-lmax lmax]);
xlabel('x [m]','Interpreter','latex')
ylabel('y [m]','Interpreter','latex')
zlabel('z [m]','Interpreter','latex')
title("SENZA FUNZIONALE",'Interpreter','latex')
Similarly, do the same for the other constant plot as well.
Few pointers to take care of:
  • Declare a variable ‘j’ at the start of the function body with value of j = 1
  • And make sure to increment the value of j by 1 in the end of the loop body.


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