Recovering the rings and measuring thier radius

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Biniam on 16 May 2023
Edited: KSSV on 7 Sep 2023
Here, I have Newton's Rings generated using FDTD (and then exported to MATLAB). I want to measure the radius of the rings but the Binary image is displaying some discontnuity. I have used "im_bin =
" this to binarize the image. your assitance is highly appreciated.
Karan Singh
Karan Singh on 30 Aug 2023
Hey Biniam please attach the image file too. Cause the code looks good. if you could provide it then I can look further into it.
Shree Charan
Shree Charan on 7 Sep 2023
Hi Biniam,
It may be useful to attch the image file.
The "Sensitivity" parameter in the imbinarize function controls the thresholding sensitivity. It may be useful to experiment with different sensitivity values to find the optimal threshold that captures the rings without introducing excessive noise or discontinuity

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