The connections seem right except at on place. The "Mechanical Rotational Reference" block that is connected to the "Rotational Hard Stop" block is unnecessarily connected to "Rotational Electromechanical Converter" block.
Refer to the following image that pinpoints the possible issue:
Refer to the following image of the circuit I reproduced :
If performing the above change does not produce the expected results I would recommend you to verify all the block parameter values and units entered.
I would also recommed you to right click a block, click "Format" option and choose options "Rotate Clockwise", "Rotate Counter-clockwise", "Flip Block" and or "arrange automatically" to arrange the blocks in a way that is easy to interpret as I did above. This will help you and others to verify the connections easily.
Also for each task, there is an option to see solution. You can cross verify that with your obtained result.
Refer to the following image for the expected result :