undefine function : error
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Hello Dears, Here i got the one error undefined function 'degree' . can anyone say the solve? how i can get solution?
function [residus, Stat, coefficients] = Calcul_Coef_NEW(SN, type, table_pression_kPa, P, T, degree)
degree = input('Enter the degree of the polynomial: ');
table_pression_psi = table_pression_kPa * 0.145038;
% Fit the polynomial curve based on the specified degree
fitting_type = ['poly', num2str(degree)];
[FCT_COR,GOF,OUTPUT] = fit([T, P], table_pression_psi, fitting_type);
% Calculate the residuals
residuals = table_pression_psi - FCT_COR(T', P');
% Calculate the maximum and average residuals
Res_max = max(abs(residuals));
Res_moy = mean(abs(residuals));
SYNTH_RES{1, 1} = 'SN Capteur';
SYNTH_RES{2, 3} = 'P';
SYNTH_RES{1, 4} = 'Résidu max';
SYNTH_RES{1, 5} = 'Résidu moy';
SYNTH_RES{1, 6} = 'R²';
SYNTH_RES{1, 7} = 'Erreur standard (psi)';
SYNTH_RES{2, 1} = SN;
SYNTH_RES{2, 4} = Res_max;
SYNTH_RES{2, 5} = Res_moy;
%SYNTH_RES{2, 6} = NaN;
%SYNTH_RES{2, 7} = NaN;
% Write the coefficients
coefficients = coeffvalues(FCT_COR);
for m = 1:length(coefficients)
SYNTH_RES{m+4, 1} = ['a', num2str(m-1)];
SYNTH_RES{m+4, 2} = coefficients(m);
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6, 1} = 'Pression banc (psi)';
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6, 2} = 'Pression banc (kPa)';
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6, 3} = 'Température (°C)';
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6, 4} = 'Ratio';
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6, 5} = 'Residu (psi)';
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6, 6} = 'Residu (kPa)';
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6, 7} = 'Pression corrigée (psi)';
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6, 8} = 'Pression corrigée (kPa)';
% Write the data (P reference, temperature, ratio, residuals, P0) in psi & kPa
for i = 1:length(table_pression_psi)
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6+i, 1} = table_pression_psi(i);
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6+i, 2} = table_pression_kPa(i);
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6+i, 3} = T(i);
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6+i, 4} = P(i);
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6+i, 5} = OUTPUT.residuals(i);
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6+i, 6} = OUTPUT.residuals(i)*6.894757;
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6+i, 7} = FCT_COR(T(i),P(i));
SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6+i, 8} = FCT_COR(T(i),P(i))*6.894757;
%SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6+i, 9} = residuals_p32(i);
%SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6+i, 10} = residuals_p32(i) * 6.894757;
%SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6+i, 11} = FCT_COR_p32(T(i));
%SYNTH_RES{length(coefficients)+6+i, 12} = FCT_COR_p32(T(i)) * 6.894757;
xlswrite(fullfile('.\results\Poly', strcat('SN', SN, '_synthese.xlsx')), SYNTH_RES, type);
residus = cat(2, residuals);
Stat(1, 1) = Res_max * 6.894757;
Stat(2, 1) = Res_moy * 6.894757;
%Stat(3, 1) = NaN;
%Stat(4, 1) = NaN;
%Stat(1, 2) = Res_max_p32 * 6.894757;
%Stat(2, 2) = Res_moy_p32 * 6.894757;
%Stat(3, 2) = NaN;
%Stat(4, 2) = NaN;
Stat(3,1)= GOF.rsquare;
Stat(4,1)= GOF.rmse*6.894757;
Cris LaPierre
on 1 Jun 2023
You've also asked this question here: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1976639-facing-some-errors-during-doing-the-program-matlab?s_tid=srchtitle
Dyuman Joshi
on 1 Jun 2023
@Cris LaPierre, since (at that time) there was no activity on that post, and there was on this thread, I flagged that particular question.
Answers (1)
Mathieu NOE
on 1 Jun 2023
I corrected all the bugs I could find - find my suggestions in the attached zip file
now the last point I cannot fully test is the fitting itself as I don't have the CF toolbox, but the "degree" issue is solved
all the best
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