im struggling with this one guys like the oddsum and the rest is undefeatable with me
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Answers (1)
on 15 Jun 2023
Edited: Stephen23
on 15 Jun 2023
N = 'S2307605'; % must be character
V = N(2:end)-'0'
R = rem(sum(3*V(1:2:end))+sum(V(2:2:end)),11)
S = struct('S','A':'K','G','K':'U');
Z = [N,S.(N(1))(1+R)]
1 Comment
on 15 Jun 2023
Lets fix your code too:
nric = 'S2307605';
assert(ischar(nric)&&numel(nric)==8,'The NRIC must have 8 characters.')
% Check if the first character is 'S' or 'G'
assert(any(strncmp(nric,{'S','G'},1)),'The first character must be "S" or "G".')
% Check if there are any non-digit characters in the numeric portion of the NRIC
numericPortion = nric(2:end);
assert(all(isstrprop(numericPortion, 'digit')),'The numeric portion of the NRIC should only contain digits.')
% Extract the first character to determine the status
status = nric(1);
% Convert the numeric portion to a numeric array
numericArray = sscanf(numericPortion,'%1d',[1,Inf]);
% Calculate the sum of digits in odd-numbered positions
oddSum = sum(3*numericArray(1:2:end));
% Sum the digits in even positions
evenSum = sum(numericArray(2:2:end));
% Calculate the total sum
totalSum = oddSum + evenSum;
% Calculate the remainder when divided by 11
remainder = mod(totalSum, 11);
% Display the intermediate calculations
fprintf('Odd Sum: %d\n', oddSum);
fprintf('Even Sum: %d\n', evenSum);
fprintf('Total Sum: %d\n', totalSum);
fprintf('Remainder: %d\n', remainder);
% Determine the checksum letter based on the status
if status == 'S'
checksumLetter = getChecksumLetterS(remainder);
elseif status == 'G'
checksumLetter = getChecksumLetterG(remainder);
error('Invalid NRIC format.');
% Add the checksum letter to the NRIC
nricWithChecksum = [nric, checksumLetter];
fprintf('NRIC with checksum: %s\n', nricWithChecksum);
function letter = getChecksumLetterS(remainder)
switch remainder
case 0
letter = 'A';
case 1
letter = 'B';
case 2
letter = 'C';
case 3
letter = 'D';
case 4
letter = 'E';
case 5
letter = 'F';
case 6
letter = 'G';
case 7
letter = 'H';
case 8
letter = 'I';
case 9
letter = 'J';
case 10
letter = 'K';
error('Invalid remainder.');
function letter = getChecksumLetterG(remainder)
switch remainder
case 0
letter = 'K';
case 1
letter = 'L';
case 2
letter = 'M';
case 3
letter = 'N';
case 4
letter = 'O';
case 5
letter = 'P';
case 6
letter = 'Q';
case 7
letter = 'R';
case 8
letter = 'S';
case 9
letter = 'T';
case 10
letter = 'U';
error('Invalid remainder.');
See Also
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