How to reference a cell from a table within a table

41 views (last 30 days)
Hi super quick question. I have a table with another set of tables within it read from a folder. I want to plot certain rows from the table within the table, but how can I reference this in Matlab?
Thank you for any help.

Answers (2)

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 17 Jul 2023
Aron, it sounds like you have tables in a cell array in a table. Dirk is assuming you have "nested tables", which is different but also useful. Assuming you have something like this
t = table({table(rand(5,1),rand(5,1));table(rand(5,1),rand(5,1));table(rand(5,1),rand(5,1))})
t = 3×1 table
Var1 ___________ {5×2 table} {5×2 table} {5×2 table}
you should ask yourself how you would get at those tables if the cell array were in your workspace. You'd use braces, right? S ame thing here, only on the var in the table
ans = 5×2 table
Var1 Var2 _______ _______ 0.55235 0.37883 0.91089 0.68718 0.66269 0.61634 0.36953 0.46662 0.356 0.95732
ans = 2×2 table
Var1 Var2 _______ ________ 0.79442 0.68389 0.9692 0.098918
Whether nested tables or tables in a cell array in a table are the right thing to use, I can't say. Both are useful, just for different purposes.

Dirk Engel
Dirk Engel on 12 Jul 2023
You can access a specific inner table by its variable name. Consider the following table with two inner tables.
t = table(table(rand(5,1), rand(5,1)), table(rand(5,1)), 'VariableNames', {'InnerTable1', 'InnerTable2'})
t = 5×2 table
InnerTable1 InnerTable2 Var1 Var2 Var1 __________________ ___________ 0.9087 0.5988 0.17796 0.72553 0.69322 0.3135 0.91621 0.43767 0.12761 0.4482 0.11312 0.62554 0.55468 0.50289 0.37345
To access row 3 of InnerTable1, write
t.InnerTable1(3, :)
However, you can also simply write
t(3, 1)
where column index 1 refers to the outer table's first variable, which here is 'InnerTable1'.
Aron Wiener
Aron Wiener on 12 Jul 2023
Moved: Voss on 12 Jul 2023
In my case, however, the table has 57 different cells each with a table wtihin them.
Voss on 12 Jul 2023
@Aron Wiener: Maybe it'd be convenient to use varfun in your case.
t = table(table(rand(5,1), rand(5,1)), table(rand(5,1)), 'VariableNames', {'InnerTable1', 'InnerTable2'})
t = 5×2 table
InnerTable1 InnerTable2 Var1 Var2 Var1 _____________________ ___________ 0.5781 0.3214 0.05468 0.055876 0.0023291 0.013252 0.57597 0.63605 0.99085 0.20938 0.10417 0.44687 0.86833 0.1974 0.16186
temp = varfun(@(t)t{3,:},t)
temp = 1×2 table
Fun_InnerTable1 Fun_InnerTable2 __________________ _______________ 0.57597 0.63605 0.99085
data = temp{:,:}
data = 1×3
0.5760 0.6360 0.9908

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