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Is it possible to capture live running traces using oscilloscope via MATLAB without any delay?

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I need to capture live running traces from an oscilloscope via MATLAB without any delay. Is it possible?

Answers (1)

Menika on 13 Jul 2023
You can try the Instrument Control Toolbox in MATLAB, which allows you to communicate with and control external instruments such as oscilloscopes.
Hope it helps!
Girish Babu
Girish Babu on 13 Jul 2023
visaObj = visa('AGILENT', 'USB0::0x0957::0x1790::MY55190481::0::INSTR');
% Create the TCPIP object if it does not exist
% otherwise use the object that was found.
if isempty(visaObj)
visaObj = tcpip(IPAddress, scopePort);
visaObj = visaObj(1);
% Set the buffer size. Change this buffer size to slightly over the number
% of bytes you get back in each read
visaObj.InputBufferSize = 350000;
% Set the timeout value
visaObj.Timeout = 1;
% Set the Byte order
visaObj.ByteOrder = 'littleEndian';
% Open the connection
%% Instrument Setup
% Now setup the instrument using SCPI commands. refer to the instrument
% programming manual for your instrument for the correct SCPI commands for
% your instrument.
% Set acquisition mode to segmented
fprintf(visaObj, ':ACQUIRE:MODE SEGMENTED');
% Set total number of points per segment
fprintf(visaObj, ':ACQUIRE:POINTS 40000');
% Set sample rate
fprintf(visaObj, ':ACQUIRE:SRATE 40e9');
% Turn interpolation off for faster averaging
fprintf(visaObj, ':ACQUIRE:INTERPOLATE OFF');
% Set total number of segments over which to average
fprintf(visaObj, ':ACQUIRE:SEGMENTED:COUNT 100');
% If needed, set the timebase
fprintf(visaObj, ':TIMEBASE:SCALE 100e-6');
% Force a trigger to capture segments
% Depending on how many segments are captured, a pause may be necessary in
% order to account for the time required to capture all of the segments
% Specify data from Channel 1
fprintf(visaObj,':WAVEFORM:SOURCE CHAN1');
% Get the data back as a BYTE (i.e., INT8)
fprintf(visaObj,':WAVEFORM:FORMAT BYTE');
% Set the byte order on the instrument as well
fprintf(visaObj,':WAVEFORM:BYTEORDER LSBFirst');
fprintf(visaObj, 'WAVEFORM:STREAMING OFF');
% Get the preamble block
preambleBlock = query(visaObj,':WAVEFORM:PREAMBLE?');
% The preamble block contains all of the current WAVEFORM settings.
% It is returned in the form <preamble_block><NL> where <preamble_block> is:
% FORMAT : int16 - 0 = BYTE, 1 = WORD, 2 = ASCII.
% TYPE : int16 - 0 = NORMAL, 1 = PEAK DETECT, 2 = AVERAGE
% POINTS : int32 - number of data points transferred.
% COUNT : int32 - 1 and is always 1.
% XINCREMENT : float64 - time difference between data points.
% XORIGIN : float64 - always the first data point in memory.
% XREFERENCE : int32 - specifies the data point associated with
% x-origin.
% YINCREMENT : float32 - voltage diff between data points.
% YORIGIN : float32 - value is the voltage at center screen.
% YREFERENCE : int32 - specifies the data point where y-origin
% occurs.
% Maximum value storable in a INT8
maxVal = 2^8;
% split the preambleBlock into individual pieces of info
preambleBlock = regexp(preambleBlock,',','split');
% store all this information into a waveform structure for later use
waveform.Format = str2double(preambleBlock{1}); % This should be 0, since we're specifying INT8 output
waveform.Type = str2double(preambleBlock{2});
waveform.Points = str2double(preambleBlock{3});
waveform.Count = str2double(preambleBlock{4}); % This is always 1
waveform.XIncrement = str2double(preambleBlock{5}); % in seconds
waveform.XOrigin = str2double(preambleBlock{6}); % in seconds
waveform.XReference = str2double(preambleBlock{7});
waveform.YIncrement = str2double(preambleBlock{8}); % V
waveform.YOrigin = str2double(preambleBlock{9});
waveform.YReference = str2double(preambleBlock{10 });
waveform.VoltsPerDiv = (maxVal * waveform.YIncrement / 8); % V
waveform.Offset = ((maxVal/2 - waveform.YReference) * waveform.YIncrement + waveform.YOrigin); % V
waveform.SecPerDiv = waveform.Points * waveform.XIncrement/10 ; % seconds
waveform.Delay = ((waveform.Points/2 - waveform.XReference) * waveform.XIncrement + waveform.XOrigin); % seconds
%% Instrument control and data retreival
% Now control the instrument using SCPI commands. refer to the instrument
% programming manual for your instrument for the correct SCPI commands for
% your instrument.
% An optimization to try and speed up the data transfer
%visaObj.Terminator = '';
% Declare variables for use in processing the segments
N = 0;
Total_segments = 100;
Avg_N_segments = zeros(waveform.Points,1);
% This will loop through each of the captured segments and pull the data
% from each segment into MATLAB for processing
while (N<=Total_segments)
% This will place the Nth segment on the screen so it can be pulled into
% MATLAB for processing.
fwrite(visaObj, sprintf(':ACQUIRE:SEGMENTED:INDEX %d\n',N));
% Now send commmand to read data
% Read back the BINBLOCK with the data in specified format and store it in
% the waveform structure
waveform.RawData = binblockread(visaObj);
% Generate X & Y Data
waveform.XData = (waveform.XIncrement.*(1:length(waveform.RawData))) - waveform.XIncrement;
waveform.YData = (waveform.RawData - waveform.YReference) .* waveform.YIncrement + waveform.YOrigin;
Measurement_Nth_Segment = waveform.YData;
N = N + 1;
% Average the current segment with the average of all the previously
% captured segments
if N>1
Avg_N_segments = (((N-1) .* Avg_N_segments) + (Measurement_Nth_Segment)).*(1/N);
Avg_N_segments = Measurement_Nth_Segment;
%Uncomment next two lines to see average plotted as segments are processed
plot(waveform.XData,Avg_N_segments); hold on;
I used those configurations, inserted this code and got a warning "Unsuccessful read: binblock data not received". Can you please sort this issue?
Menika on 14 Jul 2023
The above error occurs mostly when the oscilloscope does not send the expected data in the specified format. You can once check the the communication settings, data format of oscilloscope, buffer size, oscilloscope setting and if the version of matlab toolbox is compatible or not.

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