How to draw straight horizontal line with specific axis

319 views (last 30 days)
Hello, I am currently working on my project and I am new to Matlab. My question is how to plot straight line vector with specific axis? For Example, I want to plot horizontal line that starts from 1450 to 1470 ( this is the x -axis )

Answers (4)

Voss on 18 Jul 2023
plot([1450 1470],[0 0]) % this line will be at y = 0 because I've given plot [0 0] as the y-coordinates
xlim([1400 1500]) % set the x-limits of the axes to something beyond the horizontal line so you can see it
Voss on 18 Jul 2023
You're welcome! Any questions, let me know. Otherwise, please "Accept This Answer". Thanks!

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Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 18 Jul 2023
plot? See Ch 9 in MATLAB Onramp. You might consider going through the entire onramp, too.
plot([1450 1470],[0 0])
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 18 Jul 2023
Not sure we can provide an answer with the information we have.

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Tushar on 18 Jul 2023
Hello Abdullah, you can use the plot function and give the x- vector as per your requirements like shown here :
x = [1450, 1470]; % x-axis limits
y = [5, 5]; % y-values for the horizontal line, you can set your value, 5 is used here for just as example
plot(x, y, 'k-') % 'k-' represents a black solid line
xlim([1450, 1470]) % set the x-axis limits
Also find a documentation of the 2-D graph plots here : Link

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Jul 2023
@Abdullah Alasfour I understand that you want to do bandpass filtering of a signal in the Fourier domain. While I don't have any examples of that exactly, I do have some other Fourier filtering demos that might help or at least be interesting. They are attached.
Basically you need to convert your signal to the spectral domain with fft, then zero out the frequencies (indexes) that you don't want, and then inverse transform with ifft

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