Help fixing old Lagrange equation solver - updates have stopped "sym" being able to work on expressions but I don't know how to fix.
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Hi, I am trying to get a MatLab example of contorl for an inverted pendulum running, but the project is quite old and seems to have been broken by an update. The code used to solve the Lagrangian no longer functions, and throws the error below when I try and run it:

I have done some searching, and found references to this problem, but no solutions that I could implement. I was wandering if someone could help me get the EulerLagrange function working again in R2022b? Sorry for the fuss I am relatively new to MatLab.
Steven Lord
on 25 Jul 2023
Please show us the full and exact error message that occurs after you made that modification in your sym calls in your code.
Answers (1)
Cris LaPierre
on 25 Jul 2023
Not sure if the answer is correct, but the errors are removed by
- using str2sym
- changing '[' to '('
(ln 79)> qt = arrayfun(@(ii) symfun(str2sym(['q' int2str(ii) '(t)']),t),1:numcoor,'UniformOutput',false);
(ln 115)> VF = subs(VF,str2sym(['Z(',int2str(indqqd(jj)),')']),str2sym(['Y(',int2str(jj),')']));
(ln 152)> Y = arrayfun(@(ii) str2sym(['Y(' int2str(ii) ')']),1:2*numcoor,'UniformOutput',false);
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