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Simulink project folder collapses all the time

3 views (last 30 days)
I have only been using Matlab/Simulink for a short time and therefore it is possible that there is a setting for my question somewhere that I have not found.
After opening my project (.prj file), I find all my folders and subdivided slx models in the main window. To set up my project cleanly, I have made a detailed folder structure in which I can neatly place sldd, slx, m-files, and so on. It is incredibly inconvenient that after a short time the whole folder structure is closed again and again and I have to search for my models all the time. This also applies to the modified files before I want to commit to git and verifie my changes. I open the folders 20 times a day just to find my file. Is there a setting to prevent folder collapsing after automatic saving?

Accepted Answer

Atharva on 13 Sep 2023
Hey Fabian,
I understand that you are looking for a setting to prevent folder collapsing after automatic saving?
There is no built-in setting in Simulink to prevent folder collapsing after automatic saving. Simulink typically collapses folders to help keep the model organized and reduce clutter. This behavior is designed to improve the readability and usability of the model.
I hope this helps!
  1 Comment
Vipul Dhingra
Vipul Dhingra on 15 Nov 2023
your answer doesnot solve it.
And this behaviour is annoying. Anyone has a solution or workaround?

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