natural frequencies of the system

26 views (last 30 days)
sorry.. this is a very silly question. I saw somewhere how to look at the natural frequencies of a system defined as
modelpde = createpde("structural","static-planestress");
where I pass
structuralProperties(modelpde, ...
'YoungsModulus',E, ...
'PoissonsRatio',nu, ...
edge=[1 2 3 4];
structuralBC(modelpde, ...
'Edge',edge, ...
'Displacement',[0 0]); as I want the perimeter to be fixed.
I need to see the natural frequencies of this system, and I thought they were extracted directly by
I think I read it had to be done differently but cannot seem to find the documentation about it.
Could please send me the link?

Accepted Answer

Garmit Pant
Garmit Pant on 5 Sep 2023
Hello Jorge Garcia Garcia
It is my understanding that you are trying to solve a PDE and further extract the natural frequencies of the system from the solution.
Given that you are defining your model as follows:
modelpde = createpde("structural","static-planestress");
This will create an object of the ‘StructuralModel’ class with the ‘AnalysisType’ property set as static-planestress”.
On passing this object to the “solve” function, the output returned is a StaticStructuralResults object. Static structural analysis does not compute natural frequencies and only computes the following properties:
modalresults =
StaticStructuralResults with properties:
Displacement: [1×1 FEStruct]
Strain: [1×1 FEStruct]
Stress: [1×1 FEStruct]
VonMisesStress: [6511×1 double]
Mesh: [1×1 FEMesh]
Natural frequencies of the system can be computed and accessed by passing an object of the ‘StructuralModel’ class with the ‘AnalysisType’ property set as “modal-<insert required type> to the function ‘solve that will then return aModalStructuralResults object and accessing its ‘NaturalFrequenciesproperty.
You can refer to the following code snippet to extract the natural frequencies of a system:
length = 5;
height = 0.1;
E = 3e7;
nu = 0.3;
massDensity = 0.3/386;
%Create a modal static-stress model, assign a geometry, and generate a mesh.
modelpde = createpde("structural","modal-planestress")
modelpde =
StructuralModel with properties: AnalysisType: "modal-planestress" Geometry: [] MaterialProperties: [] BoundaryConditions: [] SuperelementInterfaces: [] Mesh: [] SolverOptions: [1×1 pde.PDESolverOptions]
gdm = [3;4;0;length;length;0;0;0;height;height];
g = decsg(gdm,'S1',('S1')');
% Define a maximum element size (five elements through the beam thickness).
hmax = height/5;
%Specify the structural properties and boundary constraints.
structuralProperties(modelpde,'YoungsModulus',E, ...
'MassDensity',massDensity, ...
%Compute the analytical fundamental frequency (Hz) using the beam theory.
I = height^3/12;
analyticalOmega1 = 3.516*sqrt(E*I/(length^4*(massDensity*height)))/(2*pi)
analyticalOmega1 = 126.9498
%Specify a frequency range that includes an analytically computed frequency and solve the model.
modalresults = solve(modelpde,FrequencyRange=[0,1e6])
modalresults =
ModalStructuralResults with properties: NaturalFrequencies: [32×1 double] ModeShapes: [1×1 FEStruct] Mesh: [1×1 FEMesh]
%The solver finds natural frequencies and modal displacement values at nodal locations. To access these values, use modalresults.NaturalFrequencies and modalresults.ModeShapes.
ans = 32×1
1.0e+05 * 0.0080 0.0499 0.1393 0.2718 0.4468 0.6174 0.6630 0.9188 1.2125 1.5423
For more information on this, you can refer the following MathWorks Documentation:
  1. Refer to the “Input Arguments” section.
  2. Refer to the “Output Arguments” section.
  3. Refer to the “Properties” section.
I hope this helps!

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