How is Validation and Test cost calculated in Classification Learner app?

8 views (last 30 days)
I used SVM for classification with LBP features as input. I used 20 percent data for testing in classification learner app with 10-fold Corss-validation. In the summary tab of output it calculates Total Validation and Total Test cost. How does it calculate these numbers?

Accepted Answer

Shreeya on 28 Aug 2023
Hi Satish
The validation and testing cost refer to the total number of misclassifications. By default, the app assigns a penalty of 0 if the observation is classified correctly and a penalty of 1 if the observation is classified incorrectly. The penalties can also be changed according to model requirements. You can read more about it in the documentation below.
Hope this helps!
SATISH SONWANE on 28 Aug 2023
Edited: SATISH SONWANE on 28 Aug 2023
So the cost must be proportional to the accuracy. Like better the accuracy lower the cost. is it?

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