Use NI USB 6001 without the Data Acquisition Toolbox
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I have a measurement system running on Matlab 2014a on an old laboratory computer. I purchased an NI USB 6001 to produce an analog output using that lab computer. The issue is that due to security reasons, the company prohibits to connect that lab PC to the internet, which makes it difficult to install the data acquisition toolbox needed to interface matlab with the NI USB 6001.
Is it possible to communicate with the NI USB 6001 card with matlab, but without the data acquisition toolbox?
1 Comment
Mario Malic
on 31 Aug 2023 and this say that you should be able to only install NI DAQmx for your MATLAB version and it should work.
Answers (1)
on 26 Oct 2023
It is, using the .net DAQmx driver...some code lines ...
import NationalInstruments.DAQmx.*;
obj.DaqSystem = NationalInstruments.DAQmx.DaqSystem(); % init DAQ System
function device = loadDevice(obj,deviceName)
% try to load requested device by alias
devIndex = obj.Devices.DeviceID == deviceName;
if any(devIndex)
obj.CurrentDevice = obj.DaqSystem.Local.LoadDevice(obj.Devices.DeviceID(devIndex));
assert(false,"Error@DAQmxBase load device failed " + newline + "devices found are " + obj.Devices.DeviceID.join)
device = obj.CurrentDevice;
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