Show boundingbox and label around segmented image
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Hi everyone
I am doing detection using segmentation. I want to know how can I draw boundingbox with a label around segmented image when I do testing of image. I show the image using this code :
I = readimage(img,1);
C = semanticseg(I, net);
B = labeloverlay(I,C,'Colormap',cmap,'Transparency',0.4);
pixelLabelColorbar(cmap, classes);
so the result I got after testing a image is shown below. I want to show the bounding boxes and labels too, and I also want that my detector shows the score, etc.

Answers (1)
Image Analyst
on 14 Sep 2023
If C is your labeled image, untested code:
props = regionprops(C, 'BoundingBox');
hold on;
% Display all bounding boxes over the image one at a time.
for k = 1 : numel(props)
thisBB = props(k).BoundingBox; % Get this bounding box as [x,y,width,height]
rectangle('Position', thisBB, 'EdgeColor', 'r'); % Draw the rectangle over the image.
Attach your img with the paperclip icon if you want/need more help.
Image Analyst
on 15 Sep 2023
Let's not have this go on over more days. Give me everything I need to run your code the first time. This does not work
I = readimage(img,1);
C = semanticseg(I, net);
B = labeloverlay(I,C,'Colormap',cmap,'Transparency',0.4);
pixelLabelColorbar(cmap, classes);
Where did you read in 4.jpg? Did you call imread? Did it go into img? What is net? Can you attach it in a .mat file?
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