I'm not sure as to why MATLAB is not outputting the figure, as well as the vector [T_Euler]. When I run the code it is fine, but when publishing I don't see either. Any fixes?

1 view (last 30 days)
%% problem description
% Determine the temperature vs time for hot iron with convection and
% radiation.
%% driver function (do not change!)
function HW3_prob4_driver
% to run: click the green "Run" button under the "EDITOR" tab
% to publish: click the "Publish" button under the "PUBLISH" tab
close all
h = 25; %step size on time (seconds)
[T_Euler] = HW3_prob4_SOL(h)
%% solution function(s)
function [T_Euler] = HW3_prob4_SOL(h)
% Your entire solution should be contained in this m-file. If you want to
% call additional functions, add them to the bottom of this script. hint:
% "Euler_ODE" and "the_function" will be VERY similar to what we wrote in
% class to solve ODEs using Euler's method.
h=25; % step size
t=0:h:400; % time over constant (h)
T = zeros(1,length(t)); %initialize the solution vector
T(1)=500; % initial temperature at t=0 (K)
for i = 1:length(t)-1
T(i+1) = T(i)+the_function(t(i),T(i))*h; %Euler's method formula
[T_Euler] = Euler_ODE(t,T);
% plot the numerical solution
xlabel('time [sec]')
ylabel('temperature [K]')
%% Euler ODE solver
function [T] = Euler_ODE(t,T)
h=25; % step size
t=0:h:400; % time over constant (h)
T = zeros(1,length(t)); %initialize the solution vector
T(1)=500; % initial temperature at t=0 (K)
for i = 1:length(t)-1
T(i+1) = T(i)+the_function(t(i),T(i))*h; %Euler's method formula
%% y' or f(x,y) for diff eqns of form dy/dx = f(x,y)
function dTdt = the_function(t,T)
Cp=4.*(10.^5); % Volumetric Heat Capacity (J/m^3K)
d=0.005; % iron plate's thickness (m)
H=20; % Convection coefficient (W/m^2K)
T_inf=300; % Surrounding Air temperature (K)
eps=0.5; % iron's emissivity
sig=5.67.*(10.^-8); % constant
T_surr=300; % Surrounding Air Temperature (K)

Answers (1)

Torsten on 3 Oct 2023
Edited: Torsten on 3 Oct 2023
%% problem description
% Determine the temperature vs time for hot iron with convection and
% radiation.
%% driver function (do not change!)
function HW3_prob4_driver
% to run: click the green "Run" button under the "EDITOR" tab
% to publish: click the "Publish" button under the "PUBLISH" tab
close all
h = 25; %step size on time (seconds)
t = 0:h:400; % time over constant (h)
T = HW3_prob4_SOL(t,h);
% plot the numerical solution
xlabel('time [sec]')
ylabel('temperature [K]')
%% solution function(s)
function T = HW3_prob4_SOL(t,h)
% Your entire solution should be contained in this m-file. If you want to
% call additional functions, add them to the bottom of this script. hint:
% "Euler_ODE" and "the_function" will be VERY similar to what we wrote in
% class to solve ODEs using Euler's method.
T = Euler_ODE(t,h);
function T = Euler_ODE(t,h)
T = zeros(1,length(t)); %initialize the solution vector
T(1) = 500; % initial temperature at t=0 (K)
for i = 1:length(t)-1
T(i+1) = T(i)+the_function(t(i),T(i))*h; %Euler's method formula
%% y' or f(x,y) for diff eqns of form dy/dx = f(x,y)
function dTdt = the_function(t,T)
Cp = 4.*(10.^5); % Volumetric Heat Capacity (J/m^3K)
d = 0.005; % iron plate's thickness (m)
H = 20; % Convection coefficient (W/m^2K)
T_inf = 300; % Surrounding Air temperature (K)
eps = 0.5; % iron's emissivity
sig = 5.67.*(10.^-8); % constant
T_surr = 300; % Surrounding Air Temperature (K)
dTdt = (-H.*(T-T_inf)-eps.*sig.*(T.^4-(T_surr.^4)))/(Cp.*d);


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