Problems modeling a battery behaviour to generate C Code.

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a functional Simscape model of a battery which response I wanna replicate using Simulink blocks in order to generate C Code. The main problem is that I have a "Infinite Loop" problem so I can't generate C Code. The infinite loop can easily be solved using a unit delay, but when you incorporate it to the model, the current (and the battery voltage) signal starts to oscillate in the moment the change between charge/discharge state occurs. To achieve that change from discharge to charge states I use a switch block (I've already tried to change the switch block using logic and that solution does not work).

Answers (1)

Sabin on 11 Oct 2023
Edited: Sabin on 12 Oct 2023
It is possible to generate C code from the Simscape model directly:
  1 Comment
Iker Fernandez Requejo
Iker Fernandez Requejo on 20 Oct 2023
For the especific purpouse of the application it is mandatory to use only Simulink blocks.
Thank you!

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