How to do exhaustive search in case of Maximum Likelihood detector in MATLAB ?
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Hello all, I came across the following Maximum Likelihood detector expression:

is received signal of dimension
is channel between transmitter to receiver of dimension
is transmitted signal of dimension
such that
, L denotes time slots.
is a set that consists of N column vectors of dimension

Also each
, i ranging from 1 to L, is chosen randomly from set

My query is how to do exhaustive search over

Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.
Answers (1)
on 5 Dec 2024
I understand you want to implement a Maximum Likelihood detector in MATLAB. To perform an exhaustive search over “Xgssk” and decode “Y”, you can follow these steps:
1. Equalize "Y" so that it has the same dimension as "X" by applying the pseudo-inverse of the channel matrix "H". You can do this using the pinv function in MATLAB as follows:
H_pseudo_inv = pinv(H); % Compute pseudo-inverse of H
Y_hat = H_pseudo_inv * Y; % Recovered signal
Refer to the following documentation link for more information on pinv function:
2. Loop over all the columns in the “Y_hat” and decode each column to the closest column in “Xgssk” based on Euclidean distance.
decoded_indices = zeros(1, L); % Store the decoded indices
for l = 1:L
y_col = Y_hat(:, l); % Extract current column
distances = vecnorm(Xgssk - y_col, 2, 1); % Euclidean distance
[~, closest_idx] = min(distances); % Find index of closest column
decoded_indices(l) = closest_idx; % Store the index
In this way, you can obtain the indices of the corresponding columns in “Xgssk” for each column in “Y” allowing you to recover the maximum Likelihood estimate of "X".
I hope this helps!
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