Differentiation Equation- result of Derivative

2 views (last 30 days)
I have i math like this:
x=5*L^2 %x=125
I need to have a result of y; y=diff(x)=50
What is the code that I must type to have result y=50; Thanks in advance

Accepted Answer

Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim on 16 Apr 2015
Vu, I believe what you are trying to do is this:
syms y(x) % define y as a function of x symbolically
L = 5;
y = 5*x^2; % define the function y
dy = diff(y,x); % compute its derivative
dyL = subs(dy,x,L) % compute the derivative at x = L
You'd need to have access to the Symbolic Math Toolbox to run the code.
vu ngothanh
vu ngothanh on 16 Apr 2015
Thank you very much. Thank you for helping me.
vu ngothanh
vu ngothanh on 16 Apr 2015
Mr. Mischa Can you help again. I have a same requirement like the one upper. but now is multi variable like this. m,w,k,E,mI,c is constant
b= atan(-c*w/(m*w^2-k))/4+pi/4;
HOw can I get X',Y',sa',sa'.
Thank you very much

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