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Including a DLL which was generated with MATLAB Coder

17 views (last 30 days)
I generated a very basic DLL following the instructions ( only changing for DLL instead of LIB. The file "distance.m" looks like this:
function res = distance(a, b)
res = b-a;
Then I tried to include it in my Visual Studio 2022 Project which just consist of
#include <iostream>
#include "distance.h"
int main()
distance(1, 2);
I followed the instructions here ( to include the directory.
When I build the project, it gives me the Linker Tools Error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_distance" (and following LNK1120).
I already tried it with a basic DLL generated in VS with no problems at all. I only fail with DLLs generated with MATLAB Coder.
Can someone help me with this?
Thanks in advance!
Philipp on 15 Jan 2024
I think that is the problem. I'll try it with the VS compiler as soon I got VS installed and let you know the results.
Philipp on 23 Jan 2024
Sorry for the late answer, I had some license issues with VS.
Using the VS compiler for the DLL fixed the problem.

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Answers (1)

Mukund Sankaran
Mukund Sankaran on 12 Jan 2024
Edited: Mukund Sankaran on 12 Jan 2024
Hello Philipp,
There's an example in our documentation that walks through the steps for integrating a DLL generated by MATLAB Coder with a Microsoft Visual Studio project. Have you given that a try ?


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