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Passing varargin to class function from Python with MATLAB.Engine

8 views (last 30 days)
I have the following MATLAB class function that I need to call from Python:
classdef CF1 < PROBLEM
%% Default settings of the problem
function Setting(obj)
obj.M = 2;
if isempty(obj.D); obj.D = 10; end
obj.lower = zeros(1,obj.D);
obj.upper = ones(1,obj.D);
obj.encoding = ones(1,obj.D);
%% Calculate objective values and constraint violations
function Population = Evaluation(obj,varargin)
X = varargin{1};
X = max(min(X,repmat(obj.upper,size(X,1),1)),repmat(obj.lower,size(X,1),1));
D = size(X,2);
J1 = 3 : 2 : D;
J2 = 2 : 2 : D;
PopObj(:,1) = X(:,1) + 2*mean((X(:,J1)-repmat(X(:,1),1,length(J1)).^(0.5*(1+3*(repmat(J1,size(X,1),1)-2)/(D-2)))).^2,2);
PopObj(:,2) = 1-X(:,1) + 2*mean((X(:,J2)-repmat(X(:,1),1,length(J2)).^(0.5*(1+3*(repmat(J2,size(X,1),1)-2)/(D-2)))).^2,2);
PopCon = 1 - PopObj(:,1) - PopObj(:,2) + abs(sin(10*pi*(PopObj(:,1)-PopObj(:,2)+1)));
Population = SOLUTION(X,PopObj,PopCon,varargin{2:end});
obj.FE = obj.FE + length(Population);
%% Generate points on the Pareto front
function R = GetOptimum(obj,N)
R(:,1) = (0:1/20:1)';
R(:,2) = 1 - R(:,1);
I can evaluate the methods 'Setting()' and 'GetOptimum()' easily with the following Python code:
import numpy as np
import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
% Set the correct path with'/path/to/CF1.m', nargout=0)
prob = eng.CF1()
eng.Setting(prob, nargout=0)
out = eng.GetOptimum(prob, 10)
But I can't seem to match the 'varargin' input variable correctly from Python. I have tried passing a matlab.double(10 * [1.0]), a Python list (10 * [1.0]), a Python dictionary ({"1": 10 * [1.0]}), but I get the following errors for the first two and last attempt, respectively:
matlab.engine.MatlabExecutionError: Undefined function 'Evaluation' for input arguments of type 'CF1'
ValueError: invalid field for MATLAB struct
Any guidance on how to match the expected varargin argument from python would be much appreciated!

Answers (1)

Shubham on 22 Mar 2024
Hey Juan,
It seems that you require help when calling MATLAB functions from python using MATLAB Engine API that accept "varargin" as argument to the function call. The "varargin" keyword is used in MATLAB to accept variable number of input arguments.
In order to call the "Evaluation" method, you should pass the arguments directly after the object ("prob"). The first argument expected by "Evaluation" method is a matrix ( X=varargin{1}; ).
Passing a "matlab.double()" should not produce an error and can be passed into the "Evaluation" method.
I have modified the provided code snippets and tried at my end:
classdef CF1
%% Calculate objective values and constraint violations
function Population = Evaluation(obj,varargin)
X = varargin{1};
Population = X.*2;
%% Generate points on the Pareto front
function R = GetOptimum(obj,N)
R(:,1) = (0:1/20:1)';
R(:,2) = 1 - R(:,1);
Python script:
import numpy as np
import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
# Set the correct path with'/path/to/CF1.m', nargout=0)
prob = eng.CF1()
out = eng.GetOptimum(prob, 10)
print(" printing output of GetOptimum")
X = np.random.rand(2, 2)
print(" printing random matrix of 2x2")
print(" printing output of Evaluation method")
X_matlab = matlab.double(X.tolist())
population = eng.Evaluation(prob, X_matlab, nargout=1)
Produced output:
Since you are using the input to "Evaluation" method as a matrix, you should keep in mind the resulting MATLAB data types when calling a function. The python dict is converted to a struct. You can have a look at the following documentation:
For converting a python dict to MATLAB struct, please refer to this MATLAB Answer:
For troubleshooting the Undefined function error, please have a look at the following:
I hope this helps!




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